Friday, March 11, 2011

The Great Depression Wasn't ALL bad...
For some people.

Like the People who were ALREADY homeless and poor.

Imagine how good It’d feel to be homeless RIGHT before the Great depression. The Hobos Prolly Felt like Geniuses.

And since everyone was Poor now, The already poor before were like HA-HA. The already homeless and poor had a 1 up on everyone.

The already Homeless Prolly went around showing the newbs how its done. They must of felt so cool.

Thinking of it the already Homeless and Poor were Probably GLAD they were Homeless already.

Like “Golly, I sure am smart, Choosing NOT to make alot of money, Becasue if i wasnt already poor, Id of lost all my money and be poor anyway. HAHA LIFE, BEAT YA TOO IT, BOO YAHH =] “


“Good thing I opted for this homeless thing, I wouldnt have been able to pay for my house anyway, Now I am ultimate hobo-I no all hobo-y knowledge, Now all ye once wealthy-Yee shall suffer!”

=] I think Im Done now.

But even though It was The “Great Deppression”, I’m sure the already homeless and poor were as happy as everr

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Things get better. Alot Better. I promise =]

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A new Prospective

Lately, Everything Has been ampified for me.
All of the sudden, I totally apreciate the little things in life. And I wasnt unhappy at all before, But suddenly Im like happier.
Like Just chillin watching a movie with the fam and laughing is amazing to me x3456789098765. And laughing with my friends.
I had a feeling this school year would be good.
But I didnt expect a whole new prospective on things

Monday, August 30, 2010

Im covninced Ants have super powers =]

So there was a HUGE ant crawling on my foot so i freaked out and killed it And i no it was dead and smushed.

But a couple seconds later, IT came back to life! I swear it became un smushed.

IT was the freakiest thing, it was smushed, then it like puffed back up like a balloon and like started following me, and it was going a milion times faster than most ants.

There is super ants living in my house.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

All Light casts a shadow

WARNING: I wrote this.

The Corners of my mind
Are a dark empty space
They hold all I Fear
And things i can not Face.

The Corners of my mind
Hide all that's me
Horrible things kept hidden
Things You'll never see.

The Corners of my mind
Holds all the hurt I know
All the screams and sorrow
You caused long ago.

The rest of my mind
Remains Pure and free
Untouched by the shadows
That you have cast in me.

Monday, June 14, 2010

To my One and Only love

WARNING: This Entry includes Several Mentions of love. If you do not believe in love or Hate it, Zombies will attack your face.

RIKKI!!! I love thou so mucheth.

You are my longest most deepest best friend ever

I dont really know what to say but our love is eternal.

I now know why you won best smile in 4th grade.
Thats the year you met me, and everyone say how happy u became that year
You have been with me through everything and you are the only one i know that can egually match my weirdness
I love u soo much

Sunday, February 14, 2010

If nobody suffered...That would be great.

WARNING: Reading this may give your computer a virus. Sorry.

I hate seeing people suffer.
I hate seeing people Cry.
I hate not knowing what to say to them.
At a time when the perfect words are so important, I froze.
And she kept crying.

This is my regret.


Im going to start doing this again. I miss it


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh I know lets just throw them into a padded room!!

Warning: This entry talks about crazy people. If your crazy, you may get offended.

Ok. I think its stupid to throw a crazy person in solitude.

Because, I think part of the reason why people are crazy and stay that way is because they spend too much time trapped in their own mind,

So yeah! Lets throw them in solitude and make them even crazier?!

Like straight jackets too. Thats just cruel.

I mean if they are in a small, empty room obviously there not gonna hurt someone else (on accoount of their being no on else around) Its i guess to make it so they dont hurt themselves. Which is stupid. Becuase if they wanted to hurt themselves,they have problems that sticking a straight jacket on them wont solve

I mean can you Imagine? Slowly feeling yourself lose your own mind?

I'll expand on this on a later date.