Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh I know lets just throw them into a padded room!!

Warning: This entry talks about crazy people. If your crazy, you may get offended.

Ok. I think its stupid to throw a crazy person in solitude.

Because, I think part of the reason why people are crazy and stay that way is because they spend too much time trapped in their own mind,

So yeah! Lets throw them in solitude and make them even crazier?!

Like straight jackets too. Thats just cruel.

I mean if they are in a small, empty room obviously there not gonna hurt someone else (on accoount of their being no on else around) Its i guess to make it so they dont hurt themselves. Which is stupid. Becuase if they wanted to hurt themselves,they have problems that sticking a straight jacket on them wont solve

I mean can you Imagine? Slowly feeling yourself lose your own mind?

I'll expand on this on a later date.